Monday’s Red Hat Christians party

On Monday instead of going to support group I went to my Red Hat Society groups Christmas party. Our group is called the Desert Stars, and it is a wonderful group of ladies. Everyone gets along very well together. Anyways, this party is planned months in advance, and it’s at a country club, where the group has a whole room reserved, and it’s all decorated, and everyone dresses up.

We have two big functions, one is the group’s yearly anniversary, and the other is for the Christmas party. On those two occasions I pick up my grandmother, and I take her home. It’s nice to be able to spend extra time with her. She turned 93 this August, and she never ceases to amaze me. She lives alone now, she lost her second husband a couple of years ago. But she gets out everyday, still drives her own car, and I admire her, and love her so very much.

The party was a lot of  fun, I have missed spending time with all of these ladies. My Mom, who is also in the group, and she is the one who brought me into the group. This was shortly after Jennifer passed, as a way to get me out of the house a little. They have luncheons every Monday, and for a while I would go all the time. But our new support group also meets on Monday’s, in the afternoon, so I go to that instead. I need to go to support group.

My Mom was named Vice-Queen at the party. I am so proud of her! There are, I think eight Mother daughter’s in the group, but my Mom, and my Grandmother and I are the only three generation trio in the group. We are going to send a picture of the three of us to the Red Hat Society headquarters, as this is kind of a pretty big deal. Unfortunately, we can’t remember if someone took a picture of just the three of us. My Mom is going to ask around at the next meeting.

It was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed myself a great deal, and for probably the first time, I didn’t feel guilty afterwards for having fun, like I usually do.

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